Mudroom® Athlete Vojta Ripa Talks Versatility

Mudroom® Athlete Vojta Ripa Talks Versatility

by Tom Fritz January 05, 2018

Mudroom® Backpacks.
I don't go anywhere without my Mudroom backpack. It's a part of my busy lifestyle and perfect for any occasion! I use it for work every day, to carry my lunch, snacks, running clothes, water, keys, wallet, running shoes and my laptop. It's one of the only backpacks that I have owned that lets me carry it all. I carry it with me to every race that I run, from races down the street to races a plane ride away. I also use the backpack to carry my daughter's necessities when we go on family trips, bike rides and hikes. Lately the backpack even adapted to being my new drone carrier!
Some of the features that highlight this backpack for me are not only how much it can store, but also how small and compact it still looks when full and how light and comfortable it still feels while wearing it. I like that everything has its place in the backpack, even my stinky running shoes that now have the ability to vent on the sides, and don't impact the rest of my belongings. The reflectives are also great to have since I bike to work a lot, and now during short days of light, I feel much safer being on the streets, visable. 
So in short, instead of having multiple backpacks -- one for each activity -- I use my versatile Mudroom backpack for everything. My wife can't go anywhere without her purse, and I don't go anywhere without Mudroom, it's like my manpurse.

Tom Fritz
Tom Fritz


Also in Mudroom Stories

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Mudroom Backpacks Partnerships and Collaborations

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Believe in the Run - Believe in yourself
Believe in the Run - Believe in yourself

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Believe in the Run is a runner-focused community which independently tests product for runners.  They tell it like it is.  And if they don't like it, they probably wouldn't review.  Reviews are legit.

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